Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Oh Grandma Jude

.....She looks 30...and boy does she move like it too! We had our wonderful Grandma Jude to visit for only 2 days!! Do you notice a difference??? She cut off her hair while she was visiting!!!! See....I told you she was spunky!! Here are some wonderful pictures of Luke and his loving Grandma!

More Pictures

Luke's First Road Trip

We did it!!! Car loaded down with every baby thing you can think of! No more taking an overnight bag and jumping in the car for a quick get-a-way. Life has changed....but I wouldn't trade it for the world! Luke did fabulous in the car...sleeping most of the way! Patrick, Luke, and myself spent five days enjoying the beauty of the Florida Keys. We stayed in a home on Big Pine Key with my parents. We were able to go out in the boat...and boy did Patrick and my Dad catch a fish! Here are some pictures from Luke's first boating adventure to his first swim in the ocean.....ahhhhhh we will be doing this again!!

5 Months, Already???????????

Luke is growing.....really fast! He is getting so good with his hand coordination. He is reaching for things and of course putting everything in his mouth! His top teeth are starting to make their way through. Luke loves his "Da Da" although his not saying it yet....Patrick is constantly trying to get him to...I think it's a contest......what is he going to say first Da Da or Ma ma??? He is also starting to reach for food. We are giving him a little bit here and there, primarily from whatever we are eating. So far he loves watermelon & mashed potatoes. He is almost crawling...and truly scooting, especially if Tiki (our cat) is near....he loves to try and catch her. He also loves to pet her (although he's not so gentle sometimes :) .

Aunt Kerry's Shirt

Yes..Luke finally fits in Aunt Kerry's shirts she sent him! Here are some photos of him! Thank you Aunt Kerry....he loves them!! Luke really enjoys trying to eat Mommy's hair...or better yet just messing it up as much as he can!!

Luke and his friend, Mira

Luke was born only one week away from his cute friend, Mira. We met her parents during our childbirth classes at the Birth Center and Luke and Mira have played together since they were 2 months old. Here are some pictures of them together!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Four Months and some change

New things are happening all the time around the Moran household! Luke has two bottom teeth! Those arrived around the second week in May just before he turned four months! He toughed out his first teething spell and did sooo well at it! Hardly any fussing at all! Now he is constantly biting things...we call him our little alligator!

....And the joys of turning over! Luke loves to roll from his back to his belly! The first time it happened I came to get him from his crib...about 3 in the morning....and half asleep....and there he was smiling at me on his back!! It scared me!! He is sooo precious!

We watch him all the time....because there are so many new things!


In contemporary Christianity there is an essential difference between belief and faith. Our religious beliefs are the visible expression of our faith, our personal commitment to the person of Jesus. However, if the Christian beliefs inherited from our family and passed on to us by our church tradition are not grounded in a shattering, life-changing experience of Jesus as the Christ, then the chasm between our credal statements and our faith-experience widens and our witness is worthless. The gospel will persuade no one unless it has so convicted us that we are transformed by it - B. Manning

Life's Narrator

My photo
My flesh is weak but my spirit is willing. Jesus thinks I'm beautiful. Knowing Him is eternal life for me. When I die, all I have to take is love.