Monday, December 08, 2008

Thanksgiving in Alabama

For Thanksgiving this year we went to Huntsville, AL to visit Patrick's Dad, Mike and his new bride, Joan. We did a lot considering we only stayed for 4 days!

We visited the Space & Rocket Center and Luke was super excited! He still hasn't stopped talking about how the spaceships go "way up in the sky"! We also took him to his first real movie...and it was 3D at that! I think it was a little much for him, he kept saying at the end how he liked it, but it was really, really loud. Ha ha ha...maybe next time we'll take him to a regular movie, then ease him into the more exciting ones.

Luke convinced everyone that he was going to become the first toddler in a "space suit" and go way up in the sky, so they asked him to give a speech. Ha ha ha ...

Then he drove Grandfather's motorcycle. Yeah right...not over his Mama's dead body!

On Saturday, Mike and Joan wed, and here they are the very happy couple!

Luke decided that he would test the cakes. So he stuck his finger in the cake moments before the ceremony, ohhhh let me remind myself that he's 2!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Just Roo and Me

Mr. Roo has become quite popular lately. He is Luke's new best friend, especially when Mommy is really busy! This particular morning Roo was also eating breakfast with Luke and he had to put a diaper on too! Luke has started playing catch with Roo...although it's more of Luke just knocking Roo's head off for the majority of the time. It's fun to watch Luke and his imagination grow!

Pumpkins, October, and Baseball

We visited the pumpkin patch around the corner from our house. We looked for the prettiest pumpkin...

Well...except for Luke, which all he wanted to do was play baseball with them :)

We made a cute jack-O-lantern and put it on our porch!

We went to "Trunk or Treat" and Luke got to experience what it was like to get lot's of candy for looking really cute. Can you guess what he dressed up as?


Here's a story that will raise a few eyebrows. During our fabulous trip to Africa this past August, Patrick and I were able to meet many amazing people. One, specifically was extra special. His name was Bob, and Patrick and I were able to sit and listen to some of his stories, as he and his family had been missionaries in Indonesia for over 13 years! It was quite intriguing to listen to the many ways God had worked in his life. He was working with MAF (Missionary Aviation Fellowship) in Lesotho as a pilot, flying doctors into remote areas or patients into areas for care. He was there alone, as his wife had passed away just a year previous due to cancer. Bob was still very sad and mentioned her name, Neva. Neva Louise. Something in me just melted as I fell in love with that name! I thought, maybe if FAR IN THE FUTURE God wants us to have a baby girl we could ask Bob's blessing to use his wife's name. Of course he was ecstatic and very blessed by our asking.

After being back in the states for about a week, Luke and I were driving to the grocery store when we stopped at a stop light. I was singing along praising God, when my attention turned to the license plate on the car right in front of me, it read: NEVA.

This is not a joke...

I knew I was in trouble. I said oh God, please tell me I'm not pregnant, I'm really not ready to be pregnant again.

Well, Patrick and I conceived a baby while we were in Africa! And I am currently about 14 weeks pregnant, and very happy that I am out of the first trimester. My energy levels are picking up and I am no longer feeling sick. My due date is May 15, 2009, just a week after Patrick graduates from UF!

Neva means Radiance / Brightness

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grandma Judy

....and I am forever spoiled!

My Aunt Julie

We went to visit Aunt Julie in Port Orange, FL. It is a beautiful small beach town and a lovely place to visit. Julie will attend Palmer Chiropractic College for the next three years.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Girl's Adventure (plus two small children)

This shop where women make wall weavings was made of cans
A good road
A not so good road...yea this is a road
common way of carrying firewood home
Ha Kome Cave Homes
Children from the Ha Kome Village playing with Luke & Caleb

Luke rides a donkey from the village

precious little one

More pictures

Very nice orphanage in Maseru, Lesotho
My sweet Shaya girl
Nicole & Nathan's Church in Maseru

Friday, August 29, 2008

Keisler Life

At the airport

Nathan and Nicole live in Maseru, Lesotho. They are Coordinators for the YWAM( Youth with a Mission )base in Lesotho. They play many roles...some recognized - most are not :) Anyone who is interested in joining YWAM Lesotho would correspond with Nathan & Nicole. They would provide the prospective YWAM'er with all the essential information about missionary life, Lesotho culture & history, and any additional resources that may be helpful in successfully guiding the prospective person into missions. Once individuals or families have been choosen to come to Lesotho, Nathan and Nicole are responsible for hosting many of the teams in their home (you can imagine the roles played here). They play the role of a continuous "Tourist Guide," Navigator, Interpretor, and one who is able to understand and communicate the acceptable/not acceptable Basotho cultural practices. Nathan & Nicole participate in outreach missions as well.
During the time we were visiting, Nicole volunteered to watch the Base Leader's children in order to free her to minister to a local group of Basotho. This was so important because if it had not been for Nicole choosing to "give up" her day to look after her child and two others, this woman(who speaks Sesotho fluently and is VERY important when equipping the people who live in Lesotho) and Nathan would NOT have been able to teach these precious young people about the love of Jesus. But because of this opportunity, these young people who live in Maseru are now free to minister to their OWN people!! This is the most effective ministry! (Can you see now how imporant your role is, Nicole? ) Nicole is a crucial puzzle piece in reaching others with the love of Jesus in Lesotho.
A team of women, including Nicole, make up a ministry titled, "Ladies Unlimited." These women have dedicated themselves to going to the streets of Maseru every Monday and Friday nights to intercede on behalf of the Sex Workers and to try and build relationships with the women. Prostitution is extremely high, as is HIV/AIDS. You would not believe some of the stories I heard, and unfortunatley saw with my own eyes. A lot of these women have been forced to prostitution for many reasons....for example, it's possible both of their parents have passed away, and now they must provide for the rest of their siblings. Working in the clothing factories is not enough. They turn to the streets at night in hopes of making money. The end result is not pretty...some ladies are taken to unsafe places and left with no means of returning to their home, most are paid more if they do NOT use condoms, most have accepted the cultural "norm" that women are soley for men. It is a horrible deception that this lifestyle is "worth" it.
I have to add this: Nicole and Nathan also play the part of "Experienced Off-Road Driver." Well, Nicole is after I decided to take a trip into the mountains. God has helped them to navigate in places that would make your jaw drop. Roads are an understatement to some places in the rural community. And let me just one relies on road signs!!! Just 200 meters, right? It was more like......turn right because that way has fresh tire tracks, that must be the way....Nicole was right!
This Is Africa


In contemporary Christianity there is an essential difference between belief and faith. Our religious beliefs are the visible expression of our faith, our personal commitment to the person of Jesus. However, if the Christian beliefs inherited from our family and passed on to us by our church tradition are not grounded in a shattering, life-changing experience of Jesus as the Christ, then the chasm between our credal statements and our faith-experience widens and our witness is worthless. The gospel will persuade no one unless it has so convicted us that we are transformed by it - B. Manning

Life's Narrator

My photo
My flesh is weak but my spirit is willing. Jesus thinks I'm beautiful. Knowing Him is eternal life for me. When I die, all I have to take is love.