Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Gem Mining

Fun Factory: The most memorable event of the entire trip according to Luke :)

His voice was like the sound of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with His glory.

Ezekiel 43:2

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


One thing I ask of the lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.
Psalm 27:4

Monday, November 29, 2010


We had the delight and pleasure of seeking north for a week with my parents to North Carolina. It was beyond words, and we were able to see the beauty of God. There are many more pictures that I will post, but wanted to put some up now.

December 2010

Really? Have you experienced the rapidity of life? The movement? The quickening? It's almost 2011. All I know is life is getting shorter. And I have no control over that. When I leave this earth, I want to have done ONE THING: To love Jesus, and to love others.

This year I have been pursuing God with this. If He has told us the FIRST commandment was simply to love Him, then what does that LOOK like? What does LOVING Him look like? I have been asking, seeking, looking, reading, talking with Him through intimate time and through His truth....only for Him to come in, with breakthrough after breakthrough with revelation of who really is this man we call, Christ Jesus. He is the Messiah. He is my Savior, He is my redeemer, He is my Abba, My shepherd, and I've experienced closeness just this year enough to call Him, friend...but NEVER before have I experienced Him as Bridegroom.

I am blown away. My whole world just got rocked these last two months. He broke in through the power of His Holy Spirit straight into the depths of my heart revealing Himself as Bridegroom. That the entire purpose and the reason God created me was simply to be a Bride to His son Jesus. Whoa. The entire reason Adam and Eve were created was simply to take great DELIGHT in God, and to be presented as a Bride for God's son, Jesus. That God loved us SO much, and God loved Jesus SO much (same amount of love by the way:John 17) that He created us to partner with His that what happens in heaven could happen on earth too! That Jesus being the intercessor in Heaven, would have an intercessor on Earth....partnering with HIM!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my.

God longs for our hearts. His desire is for our love for Him. That we would be whole-hearted, lovers of God. Voluntary lovers of God. That the response from His love would be so great....that we would live in abandonment for His love. This is the ONE thing I will live for .... to seek the ONE I love. For His love is sweeter than wine: His touch in my heart, His truth, in the deepest of my innermost being is so SWEET it is better than any pleasure on this earth...even the blessings from His hand. His love in my heart is SWEETER, more delightful than anything on this earth. I had been tending to so many other vineyards, and NEGLECTING my OWN vineyard:heart. It talks about this in S.O.S 1:6, that the Bride had neglected her heart or her vineyard. My heart needs tending to!! It's the ONE thing that needs tending to the MOST! I felt overworked, burned out, and tired....that's because I was not focusing on the most important thing...Jesus' love for me. He delights in us. He calls us beloved. He sees us, that we have sin, but He sees the intention of our hearts....and after knowing His love for me, after beholding this man Christ Jesus, and His love for me, my only response is to live in pure abandonment for Him. I want all of Him. I want more of Him. My soul cries out for the deepest things of God. He is the only thing that will SATISFY me. Ever. Ever. Even christians I fear are not experiencing satisfaction in this world, because we are too busy WORKING. Tending other vineyards...all but our own! God did not create us to be a robotic workforce. We were created to love Him. Simple devotion. He does not long to have a people working and working...but truly not getting anywhere. He longs for His Bride to come to Him, with love, His love, giving our love. No one else can give God your love, YOU have to give him your love. He wants your heart, beloved.

I will not live in comprimise. For this is eternal life: to know Jesus Christ! (Jn 17:3) It is now. There is no sweeter joy than to sit in the presence of the One who gave HIS everything just so I could know Him. If I live in comprimise, I will never step into the vastness of the great sea of His love. I love to go deep with Jesus. To know the depths of His heart. He is mine, and I am His.


In contemporary Christianity there is an essential difference between belief and faith. Our religious beliefs are the visible expression of our faith, our personal commitment to the person of Jesus. However, if the Christian beliefs inherited from our family and passed on to us by our church tradition are not grounded in a shattering, life-changing experience of Jesus as the Christ, then the chasm between our credal statements and our faith-experience widens and our witness is worthless. The gospel will persuade no one unless it has so convicted us that we are transformed by it - B. Manning

Life's Narrator

My photo
My flesh is weak but my spirit is willing. Jesus thinks I'm beautiful. Knowing Him is eternal life for me. When I die, all I have to take is love.