Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Almost ready...

We have been getting to meet our newest Moran member and we are all very excited.  I know Luke is going to be a huge help, and he grows with expectation every day, as well as, many questions.  He told me just last night that if I ate jalepeno's that the baby would get burnt.  That conversation led into a teaching opportunity about how the baby obtains his/her nurishment through the umbilical cord.  He had an "ahh-ha" moment, you could see the light bulb go off above his head.  Then he asked, "Mom, can I cut the cord?"  Another answer to our prayers as we have been asking God to led us in what the birth day will look like and how the children will be or will not be involved, since we will be planning to have the new baby in our home.  Nevan is also getting ready...he is successfully pottytrained!!!!  Wahoooo!  I am so thankful to not have to buy diapers anymore!  Yay! 

Patrick and I have been so busy with preparing the home as much as possible that I don't think the coming of another baby really hit home until we put the crib in our room this last weekend.  Patrick said, "Wow, we really are going to have another baby!" 

Here are some pics from a little fun decorating I've been doing in the baby's room, well eventually it will be the baby's room...but remains Nevs room for now.

Lots of love!

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In contemporary Christianity there is an essential difference between belief and faith. Our religious beliefs are the visible expression of our faith, our personal commitment to the person of Jesus. However, if the Christian beliefs inherited from our family and passed on to us by our church tradition are not grounded in a shattering, life-changing experience of Jesus as the Christ, then the chasm between our credal statements and our faith-experience widens and our witness is worthless. The gospel will persuade no one unless it has so convicted us that we are transformed by it - B. Manning

Life's Narrator

My photo
My flesh is weak but my spirit is willing. Jesus thinks I'm beautiful. Knowing Him is eternal life for me. When I die, all I have to take is love.